We will be closed Saturday the 31st and Monday the 2nd for Labor Day Holiday
our team
Meet the experts behind our company
Meet the folks who make it all happen. We see big potential in every moment, and care deeply about what we do every day. Our unique development ensures that we have the very best staff .
Owner of Natural Food Products
since 2001. Judy is married to John who does the handy=-work here, has 6 children and a passel of grand kids. She is always willing to help you, loves the store and the customers. Over the years, Judy has gained knowledge about natural healing, homeopathics, supplements,
and is happy to share her expertise with all of her customers.
Tammy is our decorator. She loves to keep things looking great and had a great imagination. Tammy has been with us for several years and she is very helpful with the customers. Tammy is married with one son and a brand new grand daughter.
C.J. has been with Natural Foods almost from the time the store was bought. She is married with children and always glad to help out any way she can. She enjoys spending all her spare time with her husband, children, and grand children.
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